marți, 24 aprilie 2012


People focus too much on the past. What's done is done, move on, get over it, yesterday is not today!
Speaking of it...that "let me drown in self pitty while I get depressed in my nostalgia" song of "The Beatles- Yesterday" comes to mind. No offence dear Beatles, but that is one lame song!
Yesterday does no longer exist, so to spend your todays and tomorrows thinking about that...really? 
Even more, people let themselves be defined by their past. And that is sooooo inacuratte! Because it's like Heraclit said: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." 
I used to be tormented of things that happened in the past, "omg, why did I do that?", "If only...", "if I could turn back time...I would act so differently" until I realised that I'm wasting my present remaking my past.
I just remembered a funny/wise/true thing one of my childhood friends use to say: "Ce-a fost a fost si nu mai este!"
So, fuck yesterday! Welcome today!

luni, 23 aprilie 2012

Design your story

I believe that we are all designers. Of our destinies.
We have the power to make our pattern, draw it, cut it, sew it and in the end maybe achieve something amazing and original that we call our life.
Ofcourse, just like in fashion design, it requires a lot of work, knowledge of more than one area, passion, creativity, determination and all those fancy words you can find in any motivational speech.
I want to be a designer. To desgin my life and many fabulous collections that put a smile on peoples faces. What drives me? The feeling that I have when I'm holding in my hands something that only existed in my mind. The unique power of creation that turns ideas into reality. And the feeling that is what I'm born to do. Like someone once said to me: "Nature knows best".

You know the saying..."success is a journey, not a destination"?
 It s soooo true! It's not all about reaching the peaks of success but also the transformations you go through to get there. Success is the person you become so that if you loose it all you can start over because you have the character, knowledge and experience to reach it again and again.
I'm so happy to see the small transformations within myself, I feel more mature and more capable of a deeper understanding of what is happening to me and around me.
Yeah...I kinda like this evolution thing!