marți, 11 ianuarie 2011


"Excellence is a habit. We are what we repeatedly do." Aristotle

About 2 years ago I read this really great book, one of the first personal development books I ever read, "Million dollars habits" by Brian Tracy. I realized then how important habits are, the small things we repeatedly do every day that actually have such a big impact on our lives.
First thing after I read that book I started to make my bed (a thing I really disliked therefore did it rarely and poorly ) every day to form this habit. It took a little bit of discipline in the begging but it totally worked and I did it every day since then. And the funny thing is that something you hated doing now can become so today I simply can not leave my bed unmade, if I do I have this unpleasant feeling like there is something I must do.
This can be such a powerful tool to improve yourself if you consciously choose the good habits you want to have. Today I found this website  that monitors the formation of the habit you want to have. They will e-mail you every day for 21 days (that is how long it takes for a new habit to form) reminding you of your goal and keeping track of it.
 What a wonderful tool! I'm starting my new habit tomorrow!
I will report back in 21 days on the 1st of February with the status of my new healthy habit!

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